Sunday, May 4, 2014

These past couple of weeks, I have learned a lot about not only myself, but others as well. By helping my family members with cleaning, cooking, or anything they needed done, it took a lot of stress off of them. For instance, when my mom had a long day at work, the last thing she felt like doing was cooking for our family. So I cooked dinner before she even made it home so she could just sit down, relax, and enjoy her meal.
The day I was at work when someone tipped me, I actually got to know what it felt like getting rewarded for simply doing my job, which made me feel great for the rest of the night. It made me hope that when I had paid for someone's Starbucks, that they felt just as good as I did when I was rewarded with something by a complete stranger.
I feel that doing "good deeds" shows that our world is still good in some ways. With all of the bad things that go on in the world, doing little things for someone can really show some hope for some of the people living in our world. Even just by telling someone you love them, or that you appreciate what they do, this can really brighten someone's day and create some sort of hope that there are still good people in this world that are willing to help others.
I think I have become a better person by doing things for others because I think it has made me less selfish. I actually want to go out and help people, whether it's strangers or family members. If a family member calls me asking for help with something, I never hesitate anymore to just say "yes." Even if I'm working or busy with school, I always find time for others instead of making excuses. I think I have less of a negative attitude now and more of a positive attitude. Even at work, I notice that I seem to smile at customers a lot more now, whether they are being very friendly or very rude. I want to help others now, instead of just feeling the need to help others.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Yesterday while I was at work I was on my way to my break when a customer stopped me and asked for help. She needed to order something online so I ordered it for her and checked her out with the rest of the items she was buying. All of a sudden she handed me 5 dollars and told me it was money for lunch and thanked me for helping her. I was shocked because I work retail so I'm not suppose to get tipped but she insisted that I take it. It made my whole night and made me realize how small things like that can really change someone's day.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Went through Starbucks drive-through this morning and paid for the person behind me! I wish I could have seen their reaction to it, but it felt great knowing that I could have possibly just made someone's morning by doing so. (:

Friday, April 11, 2014

Donated this big bag of clothes to Goodwill today! Not only did I donate these clothes but I also donated about 15 blankets to Goodwill as well (:

Thursday, March 27, 2014

This morning I had work from 10-4 so I brought in some donuts for all my lovely co-workers :)

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Spring Cleaning!

This is me vacuuming my grandma's floors. I went over her house today to help her clean because this Sunday she will be having her friends over from the Senior Center. She is paralyzed from the waist down so I help her out with the "hard to reach" places!

Monday, March 3, 2014

I got up extra early this morning to shovel the driveway and sidewalk for my mom since she still had work today. Where's spring?!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Dinner Time

Yummy! I made Chicken Noodle Alfredo tonight for dinner for my family! My mom had a very long day at work today so I figured I would help out by cooking her a fantastic dinner to relieve some of that stress!